Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Group Projects

I feel the need to talk about group projects.  Some of us love them, some of us...not so much.  When it comes to group projects, I'd say that at least 70% of the time there is one person who works hard on it, one person who does absolutely nothing but writes their name on it and takes credit, and the rest of them only do something if the hard worker asks them to.  You know it's true.  Don't try to deny this.  If you are attempting to deny it, odds are that you are not that one hard worker.  Now get out, I don't like your kind.  I was recently part of a group project in History, and luckily I got the other 30%.  For the most part, things went really well.  I'm happy about that.  However, I would like to say one last thing that let's people know how I normally feel about group projects.  STOP GROUPING ME WITH PEOPLE WHO DON'T DO ANYTHING!  WHAT DID I DO TO YOU TO DESERVE THIS?  This has been blogging with Hunter, have a nice day! :D

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