Monday, December 8, 2014

Why I Am Special

At the moment I cannot think of anything interesting that I can do that others may not be able to do, so congratulations, you are learning how to convert radians to degrees.  I recently learned how to do so in Pre-Calculus, and once you understand it, it's relatively easy.  If you put a circle with a radius of two on a coordinate plane and center it on the origin, there are 16 points on it that can be measured in radians, degrees, or cooridates.  Coordinates are the regular points on a coordinate plane, degrees are the normal angle measures, and radians are the points in values of Pi (for example, Pi, 2Pi, Pi/6, etc.).  To convert radians to degrees, simply multiply the radian by (180/Pi).  So if the radian is (Pi/6), the equation would be (Pi/6) x (180/Pi).  The pi cancel each other out and you end up with 180/6.  Reduce this and you get 30 degrees.  Congratulations, you just learned some Pre-Calculus.

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