Monday, January 5, 2015

Winter Break

Winter break was...odd this year.  It was reletively warm compared to what I'm used to.  When you live in Michigan, winter means a ton of snow and freezing cold, but we only got snow a few times, and every time it would melt pretty quickly.  The only snow that seemed to last didn't arrive until a few days ago, which is weird... of course it suddenly drops to below freezing temperatures when I have to ride the bus...Now that I have that out of my system, my break was pretty nice.  I got to sleep in, relax, play some of my new video games (by the way, the new Super Smash Brothers for the WiiU is pretty amazing), etc.  It was a great way to recharge my batteries.  I hope you enjoyed your break, too, assuming you get one.  See you next week!

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