Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Group Projects
I feel the need to talk about group projects. Some of us love them, some of us...not so much. When it comes to group projects, I'd say that at least 70% of the time there is one person who works hard on it, one person who does absolutely nothing but writes their name on it and takes credit, and the rest of them only do something if the hard worker asks them to. You know it's true. Don't try to deny this. If you are attempting to deny it, odds are that you are not that one hard worker. Now get out, I don't like your kind. I was recently part of a group project in History, and luckily I got the other 30%. For the most part, things went really well. I'm happy about that. However, I would like to say one last thing that let's people know how I normally feel about group projects. STOP GROUPING ME WITH PEOPLE WHO DON'T DO ANYTHING! WHAT DID I DO TO YOU TO DESERVE THIS? This has been blogging with Hunter, have a nice day! :D
Monday, December 8, 2014
Why I Am Special
At the moment I cannot think of anything interesting that I can do that others may not be able to do, so congratulations, you are learning how to convert radians to degrees. I recently learned how to do so in Pre-Calculus, and once you understand it, it's relatively easy. If you put a circle with a radius of two on a coordinate plane and center it on the origin, there are 16 points on it that can be measured in radians, degrees, or cooridates. Coordinates are the regular points on a coordinate plane, degrees are the normal angle measures, and radians are the points in values of Pi (for example, Pi, 2Pi, Pi/6, etc.). To convert radians to degrees, simply multiply the radian by (180/Pi). So if the radian is (Pi/6), the equation would be (Pi/6) x (180/Pi). The pi cancel each other out and you end up with 180/6. Reduce this and you get 30 degrees. Congratulations, you just learned some Pre-Calculus.
Monday, December 1, 2014
Thanksgiving Break
Due to Thanksgiving, I had a four day weekend. It was nice, just forget about school and relax for a couple days. My weekend consisted of eating a bunch of food, sleeping a lot, and playing video games. If there is a better way to waste away the weekend, I am not aware of it. Sometimes you just need to recharge your batteries, you know?
Monday, November 24, 2014
Let's talk about Thanksgiving. There's a bunch of food, every visits somebody's house, you tend to watch football. It's nothing too special. I just don't understand why the main event of a national holiday that we get off for school is eating food. Is this why people in other countries think we are fat? Think about that.
Monday, November 17, 2014
New Technology
When it comes to technology, there is something new all the time. It's pretty amazing. Picking one new thing to have is difficult, I could get the X-box One, or the Playstation 4, or the Wii U (Super Smash Bros. Wii U looks awesome), or maybe a new phone or computer. Choosing is so difficult...but I think if I had to choose one I would go with a computer. I'm not complaining about my current one, but it would be sweet to get a new one with specs that are probably twice as good as mine. That's all for now, I'll type to you next week.
Monday, November 10, 2014
A Dull Evening
My idea of a dull evening...I guess that would be sitting on the couch watching television the entire evening. I've done it before, and let me tell you, it is boring. Sure television can be entertaining, but it is not enough. It's not a night at the movie theater, or a game of laser tag, or roller skating, it is just television. The day that I am lazy enough to sit around watching television all day is a day that I am not looking forward to.
Monday, November 3, 2014
Let's talk about honesty. When it comes to being honest, you should lie as little as possible. Telling the truth all the time can be a bad thing, there are just some things that certain people don't need to know. If a little kids goldfish died, getting them a new one that looks similar and telling them it's the same one isn't a bad thing. I occasionally lie, but it's rarely anything major. If I did something I wasn't supposed to do (or the other way around), I may or may not strech the truth a bit. In my opinion, it's okay to lie as long as it doesn't get out of control. Just being honest ;)
Monday, October 27, 2014

Monday, October 20, 2014
Bad Managers
Yesterday I went to a restaurant and was not very impressed with the manager. We had to wait an hour before we got our food, but we did get dinner and a show. The entire time the manager was walking around yelling at the waitresses when they were doing an amazing job. Why would you yell at the them when the problem is clearly in the kitchen? If you are going to be a manager at any restaurant, you need to know what you are doing. You should know how many tables each waiter/waitress can handle, how things are going in the kitchen, how to make customers happy, etc. When you can do none of these things, I'm sorry, but you need to be fired. I think that's enough ranting for now. I will see you all later!
Monday, October 13, 2014
Pep Assembly
On Friday, my school had a pep assembly for the homecoming game. It was...different, to say the least. It involved shirtless guys, weird games, and...dancing? A few teachers decided that it would be fun to dress up and dance. For some reason, they all had fake mustaches too, and it was probably one of the strangest things I have seen this year. It's times like this when I remember that my school is weird, a good weird, but a weird....
Monday, October 6, 2014
Fall is not my favorite season. Sure you get the changes in the leaves, and delicious food, and other fall related things, but I do not like it. Fall means that summer is over, school is hear, and it's about to get cold. I enjoy none of this. Why can't I live further south where the coldest it gets is the equivalent of a cool summer day here...
Thursday, October 2, 2014
A Gift
I got bored, so I decided I would give you guys a gift. If you are not already subscribed to Monstercat on YouTube, I would recommend doing so for more stuff like this-
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
I am Perfect...or am I?
I am in no means "perfect". Today I'm just going to focus on one of my many flaws, but perhaps I can come back to the others at a later time. I am a bit of an "over-achiever". I am pretty sure that I have the best grades in the sophmore class, only rivaled by a few people. It's great that my grades are like this, but it comes with a price. I get overly stressed about anything and everything, and I don't like it. I struggle to just relax every once in a while. I've been trying to change this, but as many of you know, it is difficult to break old habits. I guess I just have to try harder, or would that be counter-productive? This is very confusing, I should probably stop while I am ahead. I will see you all "Next time, on Dragon Ball Z!"
Monday, September 29, 2014
Today I took a shot at a vlog. The vlog was intended to be about me, but I struggled to think of things that I could do. The result was me asking people to describe me, and some arguing between me and Julia. What can I say? I'm not at all creative and I do a lot of arguing, so this fits me right?
Thursday, September 25, 2014
Technology is awesome
This is amazing. As that one guy from that one video said, "Hide yo' kids! Hide yo' wife!" The robot apocalypse is one step closer to reality.Check out this video by the cool people over at SciShow!
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
A Bit About Me

Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Initial Feelings About Blogging
How do I feel about blogging? I don't really know... This is the first time I have blogged, and I haven't really looked at blogs in the past so I don't know what to expect. From what I have heard, this is going to be pretty lame. But I guess you can't judge a book by it's cover. Right now I am pretty much Switzerland, I am netrual. I guess we will just have to wait and see. So, I guess you will see me later! :D
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